The profession of architecture has become representative of the society we live in. Arguably the most public art that affects the human psychology most profoundly, it also happens to be the least discussed. Everyone does care about architecture, whether it’s the architect or the builder or the user. But it is true that somewhere the lack of a common language to talk about the built environment makes the profession of architecture less understood too. The need for communication in architecture, which could be through different mediums has been universally felt.

Over the years, Architectural Journalism has emerged as a language, which doesn’t help only to interpret, identify and celebrate the built environment, but can also provide visions to create demand for better buildings, leading to better societies and culminating in a better living environment. While the subject is on the verge of establishing itself as a very-much needed field for the architecture, design and building industry; however, due to no concrete history of architectural journalism in India, the subject does find itself, particularly in India, shrouded with many questions, myths and the lack of awareness of the avenues one can explore through it.

(Illustration by Ar. Shruthi Shetty, JIIA - Aug 2013, edited by Ar. Apurva Bose Dutta) 

Detailed Course on Architectural Writing by Apurva Bose Dutta

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    ₹5,700.00Writing/s in Architecture: Building Bridges through Words | Batch 10

    Certified ONLINE course with Ar. Apurva Bose Dutta, an author, award-winning architectural journalist, curator, and editor, as she helps you discover the art and craft of writing in architecture. 6-week long course from 13th November to 17th December 2022. Fees are Rs. 5700 for Professionals and Rs. 5200 for Students.
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    on 16th December 2018, Sunday @ 11.00 am

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Topic Expert

Apurva Bose Dutta

Author & Mentor

Ar. Apurva Bose Dutta ( is an author, award-winning architectural journalist, curator, and editor, based in Bengaluru, India. Her professional journey of fifteen years has seen global collaborations with multimedia publication houses, firms, organisations, and educational institutions affiliated with architecture, design, and building. She is well-travelled and explores her academic background (B.Arch, India; Diploma in freelance journalism, UK) in diverse roles—that of conducting and curating/writing architecture-design content and discourses for diverse communication channels, professional speaking, conducting workshops and masterclasses and consulting for academic and professional industry initiatives. Apurva has been recognised for her pioneering work in architecture-design writing and focussing on increasing the subject’s visibility and awareness in India. Her authored book, ARCHITECTURAL VOICES OF INDIA: A Blend of Contemporary and Traditional Ethos (2017, published by Cambridge Scholars Publishing, UK), initiates a discourse on architecture-design by 19 of India’s acclaimed architects. Apurva has been invited by the Australian and Finland Governments to represent the Indian delegation in International Media Visits of Architectural Writers in Melbourne (2016) and Helsinki (2018). She is also an Advisory Board Member of the official journal of ARCASIA and a member of the committee overseeing the media endeavours of the Council of Architecture of India.

Who should join this AMA- Ask Me Anything?

  • Students and professionals who have an inclination towards architectural writing or communications in architecture, but have apprehensions about it

  • Architectural institutions and professionals who might want to understand the relevance of the field and why it needs to be offered as a very serious choice to students

  • For those who would want to combine their passions of architecture and writing.

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