Product details

Paperback: 130 pages Publisher: Bombaykala Books (27 June 2018) Language: English ISBN-10: 8193642899 ISBN-13: 978-8193642894 Product Dimensions: 15.2 x 0.8 x 22.9 cm

India is grappling with a burgeoning urban crisis. The promised 100 'smart' cities continue on the drawing board and the promise of 'Housing for All by 2022' is a distant dream. Demonetization, meanwhile, has frozen the real estate market that heretofore largely catered to the rich. Suddenly, market forces and the demands of the 'great unwashed' have coalesced to make the concept of 'affordable housing' a workable reality. And it is Mumbai, a city with the gravest shortage of land and the largest of slum populations, which has now become the laboratory for the experiment. As different stake holders jostle for land and policy concessions, the authors of the book argue that by reserving and exploiting land held by government agencies and occupied by slums, it is possible not only to house the poor but to create enough housing stock to wipe out Mumbai's housing shortage. The authors - PK Das, Gurbir Singh, Ritu Dewan, and Kabir Agarwal - are among the founding members of Nivara Hakk, a Mumbai-based housing rights organisation, and much of their three decades of experience is reflected in the book.


Architect and Author

P. K. DAS A summary Profile P.K. Das is popularly known as an Architect-Activist. His priority has been to establish a very close relation between architecture and people by involving them in a participatory planning process. His wide spectrum of work includes organizing slum dwellers fro better living and evolving affordable housing models, engaging in policy framework for mass housing, reclaiming public space in Mumbai by developing the waterfronts, re-envisioning the city and the open spaces of Mumbai, urban renewal and conservation projects along with an architectural practice involving urban planning, urban design, architecture and interior design assignments across the country. He hopes to integrate architecture and democracy to bring about desired social change in the country.