This is an ONLINE course where individual learners can enjoy a learn-at-your-pace system. The entire course is divided into Five Modules of total 45-60 mins duration each. Every module is divided into multiple short lectures.

This course can also be taken as part of "Aligning Design with Allied Fields" where experts from fields of Sociology, Environmental Psychology, Economics and Environmental and Urban planning will share insights with learners. Individual learners may join it as a self-paced course and institutions are encouraged to join it as an elective or additional course.

Course Outcomes

  • Theory v. Reality

    Connecting theoretical concepts to real life scenarios and challenges.

  • Develop Ideas

    Develop research ideas by putting concepts and theories into practice.

  • Interdisciplinary Thinking

    To allow interdisciplinary interactions and exchange of ideas.

Who should take this course?

The course has been designed so that anyone can join and learn, it looks into the role of economics in urbanisation and its impact on our environment. Learners who are interested in the fields of environment, city design, architecture, sociology, econmics and related fields are encouraged to join this course.

  • Students of Architecture, Design, Geography, Conservation etc.

  • Urban and Regional Planners

  • Environmentalists and Ecologists

  • Economists interested in cross-disciplinary studies

Course curriculum

    1. Hi there!

    2. Introduction: Course Overview

    3. Introduction to the Portal

    1. Contents

    2. Lecture 1: Cities and Urban Economies

    3. Lecture 1: Presentation

    4. Lecture 2: Notion of Sustainability

    5. Lecture 2: Presentation

    6. Terminologies

    7. Lecture 3: Market and Institutional School of Economics

    8. Lecture 3: Presentation

    9. Lecture 4: Tragedy of Commons

    10. Lecture 4: Presentation

    1. Contents

    2. Lecture 2.1: Economic Uses of Environment

    3. Lecture 2.1: Presentation

    4. Lecture 2.2: Total Economic Value framework

    5. Lecture 2.2: Presentation

    6. Lecture 2.3: Economic Valuation of Environment

    7. Lecture 2.3: Presentation

    1. Contents

    2. Lecture 3.1: Sustainable Development and Accounting

    3. Lecture 3.1: Presentation

    4. Lecture 3.2: Alternate Approach- Sustainable Development

    5. Lecture 3.2: Presentation

    6. Lecture 3.3: Indicators of Sustainable development

    7. Lecture 3.3: Presentation

    1. Contents

    2. Lecture 4.1: Pollution

    3. Lecture 4.1: Presentation

    4. Lecture 4.2: Economics of Pollution

    5. Lecture 4.2: Presentation

    6. Lecture 4.3: Market oriented Environmental policies

    7. Lecture 4.3: Presentation

    1. Contents

    2. Lecture 5.1: Climate Change Introduction

    3. Lecture 5.1: Presentation

    4. Lecture 5.2: Costs to Mitigate

    5. Lecture 5.2: Presentation

    6. Lecture 5.3: Impact of Construction Sector

    7. Lecture 5.3: Presentation

    8. Lecture 5.4: Benefits of Green Building

    9. Lecture 5.4: Presentation

About this course

  • ₹1,200.00
  • 45 lessons
  • 4 hours of video content


Pleasa Serin Abraham

Subject Expert

Pleasa Abraham is a Bengaluru based instructor specializing in Environmental Economics, Energy Economics and Econometric Modelling. She has finished her PhD from IIT Bombay in Economics. Her dissertation is on the topic 'Barriers to the adoption of green buildings and willingness to pay for green certified buildings'.

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