Think Different! Be Noticed!

Established ways of thinking and managing innovation are proving inadequate in dealing with this rapidly changing world. How do we act out-of-the-box? This workshop aims to introduce participants to foundational principles of design-driven innovation and provide a snapshot of some design methods and tools. These tools may be directly applied to your individual design processes to create a unique narrative that addresses the selected concern. The elevator pitch at the end of the workshop will help you hook the jury to your idea.

Session Details

Have you registered for the Roca's Jump the Gap competition yet? If not, what are you waiting for? Click here and begin your explorations in sync with the Sustainable Development Goals.

If you have already registered, you may be in any of the following stages

1. The design has concluded and you are ready to submit.

2. You are yet to begin your design.

This workshop is perfect for you in either of these stages. Use the lessons on innovative thinking as a sounding board to your design and ideas, or use the lessons as a springboard to jumpstart your ideas. 

We will not discuss your designs, but guide you through a more comprehensive process of ensuring holistic outcome and submission.

  • 15th August

    3.00 PM-6.00 PM

  • 28th August

    5.00 - 6.00 PM

  • Live Broadcast

    on Social Media


Prasad Anaokar

Prasad is a serial entrepreneur, having co-founded Infologys & eArchstudio before co-founding twobythree. He has twenty five years of cross-domain knowledge in architecture, design & IT industry having worked with organizations like Compuware, General Motors & Ford Motors - North America, Guardian Insurance, Patni Computers, Somaiya Medical College-Mumbai, IIT-Jodhpur, Group-T, Belgium. As co-founder of twobythree, Prasad has led several projects involving large, mid-size and start-up organizations on the innovation of products, services & business models. Prasad holds a Master of Architecture from Morgan State University, Baltimore and an MS in Information Systems from Lawrence State University, Michigan. He dropped out of PhD program at IDC, IIT Bombay to jumpstart twobythree.


Ameya Athwankar

Ameya is a design researcher and the co-founder of twobythree - a Mumbai based design research and strategy firm. In this role, Ameya has led several successful engagements with client organizations in domains such as education technology, digital healthcare, consumer products and energy policy. Previously he has worked as a design consultant at the Innovation Studio at IDC, IIT Bombay, and gaining significant experience in human centered design. His role, at the studio, gave him the opportunity to work on challenging problems at the bottom of the pyramid and helped shape his approach to human centered design. Ameya is also interested in design research and applied game design. He has published and presented papers at Indian and international design journals and conferences.

Elaborate Course Outcomes

Design and designers have enthusiastically transitioned into a new role within organisations that involves not only ‘making things’ or providing solutions but also envisioning a new future by framing the right problems to work on. Over the past decade, design practitioners and researchers have developed valuable tools and insights into the role of design in driving the development of innovation products and services. Drawing on design and innovation research, case studies as well as from their own experience, the mentors aim to help participants enrich their design process and develop truly innovative solutions for their competition entries. Participants that attend this workshop will gain the following.

  • A basic understanding of design driven innovation

  • An understanding of the basic principles of design thinking and its role in innovation

  • Exposure and hands-on experience of using design tools and methods useful at the front end of innovation initiatives

  • Communicating the idea using the Elevator pitch strategy

Register Now

Give your ideas the foundation and narrrative they deserve.