Course Overview

This is an ONLINE course where individual learners can achieve exposure to learning parametric softwares. It is designed as a one week extensive course,where you can learn softwares like Rhinoceros 6, Grasshopper and 3DS Max from certified mentors.The entire course is divided into Modules, each targetting a different parametric software.  Every module is further divided into multiple short lectures to cover various agendas.

This course sets a preliminary platform towards production of Parametrics where you can learn about the execution of your parametric designs and concepts.

Course Details

This course aims to pave the way for clear understanding of concepts involved in computational design in general. To realize the possibilities of creating various design iterations as solution to a particular problem. The participants will develop critical thinking about ways to model in detail complex geometries repetitive and non-repetitive panelling, pattern generation, contour analysis, environmental analysis and daylight availability within their designs. Getting accessibility towards the concept behind this complex software’s would help develop their careers in the direction of visualization specialist, environmental design, and construction and also get better job prospects.

Course Outcomes

What you can expect to achieve from taking this course

  • Understanding the importance of computational design tools and softwares that can aid your career in the field of design

  • Develop essential skillsets with Rhinoceros 6 and Grasshopper which allows you to model complex geometries with high precision.

  • Receive gradation and certification for the course from our certified mentor.

Course Structure

Rhinoceros 6

• User interface and navigation

• Basic 3D terminologies and workflow basics

• Modeling complex 2D geometries

• Uninhibited free-form 3D modeling tools, Analysis and Degrees

• NURBS Modeling, complex organic 3D surfaces, poly-surfaces and solids

• Accuracy needed to design, prototype, engineer, analyze, and manufacture

anything from jewelry to an airplane or a high-rise building

• Documentation and prototyping and exporting for manufacturing


• Introduction to a visual programming language and environment

• Grasshopper navigation and interface

• Data Algorithms, input data, components and parameters

• Understanding workflow and sequencing

• Math and Logic functions

• Vectors and Attractor points

• Curves and surfaces: Modeling and editing tools

• Diagonal grid surfaces, polygonal mesh data

• Transformations- Morphing and image sampling

• Using (Mathematical) graphical output to modulate geometries

• Understanding flow of data as data tree

• Applying various Grasshopper Plugins


22 Feb
11 am-1 pm & 2.30 - 4.30 pm

Rhino and Grasshopper
23 Feb
11 am-1 pm & 2.30 - 4.30 pm
24 Feb
8.30-9.30 pm
25 Feb
8.30-9.30 pm
26 Feb
8.30-9.30 pm
27 Feb
8.30-9.30 pm
3DS Max
28 Feb
8.30-9.30 pm


Ar. Rushwanth Raghuram


Graduated in 2015 from Birla Institute of Technology Mesra, Ranchi (B.Arch) and Masters in Design Approach Course- Product design at TU Delftx- Delft University of Technology in 2016. He has an experience of 4+ years in the building industry which is an amalgamation of architectural design, planning projects and sustainability work. He has in-depth knowledge of free form uninhibited 3D modelling, NURBS modelling and using visual programming language and environment to analyse various situational, environmental and production and manufacturing based scenarios. He specialized in computational design and its methods to obtain desirable results with minimal efforts and time.