Do you want to learn architectural communication and delve into understanding how good Architects think and design? This course aims at deepening your understanding of the theoretical, philosophical and material aspects of architecture, and the importance of unending research and experimentation appropriate to the ever evolving human society. The course throws light upon some of architecture's contemporary challenges as anticipated by Roger Anger, his explorations of form, play of light, and material use; the course also sheds light on his built work and his visions and strategies on future urbanism as proposed by him as the Chief Architect of Auroville.

Inviting you to join hands and collaborate

Join the centenary celebrations of Roger Anger's anniversary by being a part of this Global initiative.

  • Colleges can officially join the studio, learn, design a part of the exhibition and later become a venue for the exhibition.

  • Groups of like-minded thinkers who appreciate Architectural Theory

  • Architectural offices can officially join the studio, learn, design a part of the exhibition and later become a venue for the exhibition.

An opportunity to curate a part of the Global Exhibition

Roger Anger (1923-2008), one of the most prolific Parisian architects of the 1950s and 1960s, would have turned 100 in 2023. His extensive research and experimentation ranged from building facades to material technologies, patterns and forms, to rethinking the city as an organism, including all infrastructures. He propagated ideas of education beyond schools, integrating youth into learning in urban life. From 1953 to 2008, he created a plethora of memorable projects between France and India. His unique architectural language is characterized by sculptural plasticity and an individual, timeless modernity. In 1965, Roger Anger was appointed chief architect of Auroville, "the city the earth needs," an idealistic city in southern India dedicated to human unity. It is managed by the Ministry of Education and supported by UNESCO as an international project in which all countries participate. This is where Roger Anger continued his work as an architect and urbanist into the last decades of his life. With this proposal, we want to take the opportunity of his centenary to curate the collection of his pioneering approach to architecture and art, and his visionary urbanism that is still relevant today.


Your exhibition, your dates

Since the global exhibition is a year-long event, kindly let us know the month(s) that suit your institute to conduct the course and host the exhibition thereafter. Fill the google-form and inform us of your preference of choice to conduct the course for your institute.

Benefits of the course

More reasons for you to join the course

A part of an international initiative and global exposure for students  Improve NAAC score for colleges 
A new approach with a well-devised plan for upcoming Housing studio  Acquaintances with othe colleges across the nation for future events | student exchanges, collab for events etc. 
Merit to the CV and portfolio  Join a global Movement
Merit for applying for PG abroad  Global exposure for the college 
Get international guidance on narrating projects and curating exhibition  A well-devised interesting and a new approach to opt for an elective in the studio
Live discussions with Ar. Anupama Kundoo 
Exclusive resource and research material from Anupama Kundoo and team 

Course Outcomes

All participants will receive access to relevant material from Roger Anger's extensive archive in both Auroville, India and France. You would be a part of an international research in India and France. All participants will focus on identifying Anger's visions and proposals that address contemporary challenges of sustainable, people-centered building as well as ideas for the cities of the future. The jointly developed analysis will then be disseminated through a series of exhibitions in India, France and Germany.

Do you want to be mentored by Dr Anupama Kundoo not just on Design but Architectural Theory as well?

Below are 4 reasons why you, your college, your office should join this studio.

1. Learn directly from the Master’s Mentee, Dr Anupama Kundoo

The course mentor is none other than Ar. Anupama Kundoo had worked with Roger Anger on many buildings, including the masterplan of Auroville. The studio will be personally mentored by Anupama Kundoo online including 2 review and interactive sessions with other experts. She is currently a Professor at Potsdam School of Architecture, Germany, and the Head of Urban Design, Auroville. She is the recipient of the 2021 RIBA Charles Jencks Award for her contribution to architectural theory, the 2021 Auguste Perret Prize for architectural technology, and the 2021 Building Sense Now Global Award from the German Sustainable Building Council. Her studios are based in Berlin in Germany, and Pune and Pondicherry in India. Kundoo’s rigorous research and experimentation with new materiality for architecture is the result of questioning basic assumptions, and construction habits that humanity has adopted during the long process of industrialisation.

2. Celebrate Roger Anger's Centenary

Imbibe the visions and strategies on future urbanism by Roger Anger, Auroville's Chief Architect (1923-2008), and take the opportunity to participate in an exhibition for Roger Anger’s Centenary celebrations. Roger Anger was a prolific architect who had executed over 100 large-scale housing schemes in post-war Paris before he was appointed chief architect of the international township of Auroville founded in 1968 by Mirra Alfassa, Sri Aurobindo’s French-born disciple, popularly known as 'The Mother' of the Sri Aurobindo Ashram in Pondicherry. They were the patrons of Golconde, India's first reinforced concrete architecture, a shining example of early modernism in 1938 by architect Antonin Raymond. In Auroville, Roger Anger realised a number of architectural projects including the Matrimandir, and was a member of Auroville's Governing Board of the Auroville Foundation.

3. Understand the creation and its theory instead of diving into creation

As designers, we have the zeal and passion to create something special, to create solutions sustainable in this fast-paced world. However, often we forget to explore the theoretical aspects of architecture for a deeper understanding of solutions to the current problems.

4. Learn to design an exhibition

The act of Narration is as important as the act of Creation. Learn how to tell a story, analyse, simplify, diagram and exhibit. Get expert guidance from Curators and exhibition designers in this studio.

Pricing options

This course is open for individuals to audit and for institution/firms to officially be a part of the exhibition


  • How will the studio be conducted?

    The Studio will work like a flipped classroom. All participants will have access to the research and recordings by Anupama Kundoo. Some exercises will be shared with learners as well to ensure a better understanding of the philosophy.

  • How do we make the payment?

    The college can pay lump sum depending on the total number of students enroling. The fee is Rs. 700 per student. Once the payment is made the college will receive coupon codes to enrol in the course. Alternatively, students can enrol individually.

  • What is excluded in the cost of this studio?

    The studio cost excludes cost of travel, accommodation, food and daily expenses if you plan to visit Auroville, and the cost of actually putting up the exhibition.

  • Is there a contact number I can call to understand this better?

    Do connect with us on +91 8369141413 during office hours, Mon-Fri