Focus: Material and Technology

September Specialisation Spotlight Series

Design is dependent on material and it's construction technology. Concrete and stone is good in compression and bamboo and steel have their strengths in tension. Designs are only ideas until the knowledge of structure makes it executable. As architects we need to be aware of basic rule of thumbs for different types for structures and not shy away from the complexity of numbers. Join this bundle to know more about theory of Structures, with a special focus on Steel and Bamboo.

Lecture details

  • Technology of Structures

    4th September 2019, Wednesday 3.00-4.00 pm

  • Steel Structures: Long span and Cantilever

    11th September 2019, Wednesday 3.00-4.00 pm

  • Applications of Bamboo

    9th September, 2019, Monday 3.00-4.00 pm

  • Bamboo: Strength & Opportunities

    13th September, 2019, Friday 3.00-4.00 pm

Join the bundle

for a discounted price of Rs 1200/- and save Rs 300/-