ACEDGE Winter-School

14th December - 29th December

This December we are beginning a new Chapter in the ACEDGE Programs - The ACEDGE WINTER SCHOOL. We have curated a bundle of three courses focusing on parametric designs and post graduation. The main objective behind the winter school was to broaden the horizons and scope for design, while simultaneously gaining exposure towards the same. Parametric design is one of the most competitive forms of architecture and design and developement of the same requires careful understanding of variables and algorithms. Through our parametric centric courses we aim to explore and equip students with the endless possibilities of parametric design developement. We have also specially curated our Crossroads conference, where we have well-known alumni's from colleges across the globe sharing their experiences and valuable insights about Post Graduation in Architecture and Design Watch out for a lot more interesting courses, specially being curated for you this Winter!

Parametrics Softwares

Individual learners can now achieve exposure to learning parametric softwares. It is designed as an online extensive course,where you can learn softwares like Rhinoceros 6, Grasshopper and 3DS Max from certified mentors.The entire course is divided into Modules, each targetting a different parametric software.  Every module is further divided into multiple short lectures to cover various agendas. This course is set as a precurson towards production of parametrics

Production of Parametrics

When someone says the words “contemporary architecture,” what comes to your mind? The shattered, undulating forms of futuristic designs are often at the forefront of the one’s imagination. You may know ho to design them, but what about the practical insights to execute your ideas?

In the due of this course, we aim to explore the different aspects involved with the development, prototyping, techniques and execution of parametric design.

'At Crossroads' Conference

Fresh graduates- more often than not find themselves, in dilemma about choosing between the need to gain relevant experience as an architect, or pursue their interests through a Master’s degree. Hence, through this course we are working towards making this process much easier by helping them gain access to the information that will enable them in making these decisions effortlessly.

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ACEDGE Winter-School 2020 Calender

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